Choral lyric : Choral Constructions in Greek Culture : the Idea of the Chorus in the Poetry, Art and Social Practices of the Archaic and Early Classical Period / Deborah Tarn Steiner
Choral lyric -- History and criticism : Choral Constructions in Greek Culture : the Idea of the Chorus in the Poetry, Art and Social Practices of the Archaic and Early Classical Period / Deborah Tarn Steiner
Choral music -- California -- Santa Monica : Big voice / LiveTribe presents in association with Ravensong and Pingvin Productions ; produced and directed by Varda Bar-Kar
Choral music -- Czech Republic : Lidová píseň a sborová tvorba / Stanislav Pecháč ; Jiří Holubec, Michal Nedélka, recenzovali ; Jan Serých, grafická úprava
Choral music History and criticism -- See Choral music
Here are entered works on choral music. Musical compositions for or with chorus are entered under the headings Choruses; Choruses, Sacred; or Choruses, Secular, followed if appropriate by type of chorus and accompaniment
Choral music -- Indiana : The singing farm women of rural Indiana (1934-2009) : a Depression era program of the U.S. Department of Agriculture / Linda L. Pohly ; with a foreword by April C. Mason
Choral music -- New Zealand -- 20th century : "Winds that whisper" : New Zealand choral music from the 20th century / the New Zealand National Youth Choir ; Karen Grylls, conductor
Choral music Pärt, Arvo : Arvo Pärt's resonant texts : choral and organ music, 1956-2015 / Andrew Shenton