Child psychotherapists -- Training of -- United States -- Congresses : Training the future child health care workforce to improve the behavioral health of children, youth, and families : proceedings of a workshop / Forum on Promoting Children's Cognitive, Affective, and Behavioral Health, Board on Children, Youth, and Families, Division of Behavioral and Social Sciences and Education, Health and Medicine Division, National Academies of Sciences, Engineering, and Medicine
Child Psychotherapy methods : Pediatric psychopharmacology : combining medical and psychosocial interventions / LeAdelle Phelps, Ronald T. Brown, Thomas J. Power
Here are entered works on the planned treatment and care provided to a youngster placed out-of-home with a supervised alternate family which has been carefully selected and trained
Child psychotherapy -- Sweden : A big and a little one is gone : crisis therapy with a two-year-old boy / Elisabeth Cleve ; [translated by Inger Boëthius-Kay and Pamela Boston]
Child Psychotropic Drugs therapeutic use : Pediatric psychopharmacology : combining medical and psychosocial interventions / LeAdelle Phelps, Ronald T. Brown, Thomas J. Power
Here are entered works on the principles and techniques of raising children. Works on the psycho-social interaction between parents and their minor children are entered under Parent and child. Works on the skills, attributes and attitudes needed for parenthood are entered under Parenting
Child rearing -- Asia -- Cross-cultural studies. : Asian mothers, Australian birth : pregnancy, childbirth and childrearing : the Asian experience in an English-speaking country / edited by Pranee Liamputtong Rice ; foreword by Professor Trang Thomas