Child abuse -- China : Child protection in Chinese societies : challenges and policies / editors, Edward Ko Ling Chan
Child abuse -- China -- Hong Kong -- Case studies : Responding to child abuse : procedures and practice for child protection in Hong Kong / edited by Charles O'Brian, Cheng Chung Yau Ling, and Nancy Rhind
Child abuse -- Congresses -- Prevention : Family violence against children : a challenge for society / edited by Detlev Frehsee, Wiebke Horn, Kai-D. Bussmann
Child abuse -- Counseling of. : Trust and betrayal in the treatment of child abuse / Laurie K. MacKinnon ; foreword by Virginia Goldner
Child abuse -- Europe. : Mapping the number and characteristics of children under three in institutions across Europe at risk of harm / European Commission Daphne Programme, Directorate-General Justice and Home Affairs, in collaboration with WHO Regional Office for Europe & the University of Birmingham, UK
Child abuse -- Europe, Northern -- Prevention. : Collaborating against child abuse : exploring the Nordic Barnahus model / Susanna Johansson, Kari Stefansen, Elisiv Bakketeig, Anna Kaldal, editors
Child abuse -- Europe -- Prevention : Justice and recovery for victimised children : institutional tensions in Nordic and European Barnahus models / Susanna Johansson, Kari Stefansen, Elisiv Bakketeig, Anna Kaldal, editors
Child abuse -- European Union countries : Interventions against child abuse and violence against women : ethics and culture in practice and policy / Carol Hagemann-White, Liz Kelly, Thomas Meysen (eds.)
Child abuse -- Greart Britain : Prevention of cruelty to children : a manual, prepared for the London Society for the Prevention of Cruelty to Children / by Robert Frederick Colam