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Book Cover
Author Feldhamer, George A

Title Deer : the animal answer guide / George A. Feldhamer and William J. McShea
Published Baltimore : Johns Hopkins University Press, 2012


Description 1 online resource (200 pages)
Contents Cover; Contents; Acknowledgments; Introduction; 1 Introducing Deer; What are deer?; What is the difference between bucks, stags, and bulls?; How many kinds of deer are there?; How are musk deer different from "true" deer?; What are the most common species of deer?; What species of deer are most rare?; Why are deer important?; Where do deer live?; What is the current classification of deer?; What characterizes the major groups of deer?; When did deer evolve?; What is the oldest fossil deer?; 2 Form and Function; What are the largest and smallest living deer?; What is the metabolism of deer?
What is the structure and function of deer teeth?Can deer see color?; Can deer swim?; How fast can deer run?; How high can deer jump?; What are antlers?; What determines antler size in an individual?; Why do deer have antlers?; Do all male deer have antlers?; Do female deer ever have antlers?; Why do female caribou usually have antlers?; How do antlers differ from horns?; What is the yearly cycle of antlers?; When and how do antlers grow?; How fast can antlers grow?; Do antlers of tropical deer differ from those of temperate species?; How large and heavy can antlers get?
How are antlers shed?Why shed antlers and regrow them every year?; Why are relatively few shed antlers found on the ground?; Are antlers always symmetrical?; How do antler anomalies occur?; How did antlers evolve?; 3 Deer Coat Colors; What are the functions of the coat in deer?; What causes the different coat colors of deer?; How are hair colors determined genetically?; What about patterns of coat color?; Are there age-related differences in coat color?; Do coat colors change in different seasons?; Is there geographic variation in coat color within a given species?; 4 Deer Behavior
Are deer social?Do deer fight?; How smart are deer?; Do deer play?; Do deer talk?; How do deer avoid predators?; 5 Deer Ecology; Do deer sleep in the same place each night?; Do deer migrate?; Which geographic regions have the most species of deer?; How do deer survive in the desert or during droughts?; How do deer survive the winter?; Do deer have enemies?; Do deer get sick?; Are deer good for the environment?; 6 Reproduction and Development; How do deer reproduce?; When do deer mate and give birth?; Do deer breed only one time per year?; How many fawns do deer have?
Are all deer fawns full siblings?Can the sex of a deer be determined visually?; Do deer care for their young?; How fast do deer grow?; How can you tell the age of a deer?; How long do deer live?; 7 Foods and Feeding; What do deer eat?; How do deer find food?; Are any deer scavengers?; How do deer digest their food?; Do deer store food?; 8 Deer and Humans; Do deer make good pets?; Should people feed deer?; Do deer feel pain?; What should I do if I find an injured deer?; What should I do if I find a fawn?; What is the best way to observe deer?; How economically important are deer today?
Analysis "Multi-User"
Notes OldControl:muse9781421404530
Bibliography Includes bibliographical references and index
Notes English
Print version record
Subject Deer -- Miscellanea
Cervidae -- Miscellanea
Genre/Form Trivia and miscellanea
Form Electronic book
Author McShea, William J
ISBN 9781421404530