Cattle herders -- Uganda : To live with herds / Berkeley Media ; University of California Extension Media Center ; produced and directed by David MacDougall ; [produced by Judith MacDougall]
Cattle -- India -- History : Critical insights on colonial modes of seeing cattle in India (1850-1980) : tracing the pre-history of Green and White Revolutions / Himanshu Upadhyaya
Cattle -- Indonesia -- Congresses. : Strategies to improve Bali cattle in eastern Indonesia : proceedings of a workshop 4-7 February 2002, Bali, Indonesia / editors, K. Entwistle and D. R. Lindsay
Cattle -- Indonesia -- Marketing. : Social capital and cattle marketing chains in Bali and Lombok, Indonesia / Ian W. Patrick ... [and others]
Here are entered works on the quantity of milk produced by a cow or herd. Works on the processing and manufacture of milk and its products are entered under Dairy processing. Works on the care, breeding, feeding, and milking of dairy cattle are entered under Dairy farming. Works on the production, processing, and manufacture of milk and its products are entered under Dairying
Cattle Parasites -- See Also the narrower term Cattle tick
Cattle -- Parasites. : Onchocerca gibsoni : the cause of worm nodules in Australian cattle / by J.A. Gilruth and Georgina Sweet / with notes on worm nests in Australian cattle and in camels (extracts from Report of Government Bureau of Microbiology of New South Wales for 1909) / by J. Burton Cleleand and T. Harvey Johnston
Cattle -- Parasites -- Australia. : Onchocerca gibsoni : the cause of worm nodules in Australian cattle / by J.A. Gilruth and Georgina Sweet / with notes on worm nests in Australian cattle and in camels (extracts from Report of Government Bureau of Microbiology of New South Wales for 1909) / by J. Burton Cleleand and T. Harvey Johnston
A viral disease of cloven-hoofed animals caused by MORBILLIVIRUS. It may be acute, subacute, or chronic with the major lesions characterized by inflammation and ulceration of the entire digestive tract. The disease was declared successfully eradicated worldwide in 2010