Castro, Fidel, 1926-2016 -- Ethics : Fidel's ethics of violence : the moral dimension of the political thought of Fidel Castro / Dayan Jayatilleka
Castro, Fidel, 1926-2016 -- Family : Despot housewives. Episode 5, The crownless queens / directed by Joel Soler ; narrated by Nick Haughton, Leila Kaddour-Boudadi ; produced by Jan Vasak
Castro, Fidel, 1926-2016 -- Pictorial works : Revolucion : cinco miradas / five visions / a film by Nicole Cattell ; a co-production of El Sueño Pictures and the Independent Television Service (ITVS)
Castro, Rosalía de, 1837-1885. : The poetry and prose of Rosalía de Castro : a bilingual facing page edition / translated from the Galician and Spanish, with an Introduction by John P. Dever and Aileen Dever ; with a preface by Marco A. Arenas
Castro, Rosalía de, 1837-1885 -- Translations into English : Poems / Rosalía de Castro ; edited and translated by Anna-Marie Aldaz, Barbara N. Gantt, and Anne C. Bromley ; introduction by Anna-Marie Aldaz and Barbara N. Gantt ; foreword by Joseph Boles and Anne C. Bromley
Castroismus : Cuba después de la era soviética / Miguel García Reyes, María Guadalupe López de Llergo y Cornejo ; Humberto Garza Elizondo, director del proyecto