Capital movements -- Europe -- Econometric models : The pre-crisis capital flow surge to emerging Europe : did countercyclical fiscal policy make a difference? / prepared by Ruben Atoyan, Albert Jaeger, and Dustin Smith
Capital movements -- France : Contingent capital : short-term investors and the evolution of corporate governance in France and Germany / Michel Goyer
Capital movements -- Germany : Contingent capital : short-term investors and the evolution of corporate governance in France and Germany / Michel Goyer
Capital movements -- Ghana : Ghana : selected issues / prepared by a staff team consisting of Piroska M. Nagy [and others]
Capital movements -- History : Evolving financial markets and international capital flows : Britain, the Americas, and Australia, 1865-1914 / Lance E. Davis, Robert E. Gallman
Capital movements -- History -- 19th century : Emerging markets and financial globalization : sovereign bond spreads in 1870-1913 and today / Paolo Mauro, Nathan Sussman, Yishay Yafeh
Capital movements -- Hungary : Capital flows in a transitional economy and the sterilization dilemma : the Hungarian case / prepared by Pierre L. Siklos
Capital movements -- India -- Econometric models : Financial repression and exchange rate management in developing countries : theory and empirical evidence for India / Kenneth Kletzer and Renu Kohli
Capital movements -- Italy -- Econometric models : An analysis of the process of capital liberalization in Italy / prepared by Leonardo Bartolini and Gordon M. Bodnar ; authorized for distribution by Erich Spitäller
Capital movements -- Latvia : Baltic and Icelandic experience of capital flows and capital flow measures / prepared by Audun Gronn and Maria Wallin Fredholm