Canada Inclusive education Case studies : Exploring inclusive educational practices through professional inquiry / edited by Gordon L. Porter, Déirdre Smith ; with contributors, Vianne Timmons, Brian Kelly, Diane Richler
Canada Income Regional disparities : Regional convergence and the role of federal transfers in Canada / Martin Kaufman, Phillip Swagel, and Steven Dunaway
Canada Income tax Compliance costs : The administrative and compliance costs of the personal income tax and payroll tax system in Canada, 1986 / Franc̜ois Vaillancourt
Canada Income tax Congresses : Current developments in measuring business income for tax purposes / Corporate Management Tax Conference, 1981
Canada Income tax Costs : The administrative and compliance costs of the personal income tax and payroll tax system in Canada, 1986 / Franc̜ois Vaillancourt
Canada Independent Order of Odd Fellows History : A young man's benefit : the Independent Order of Odd Fellows and sickness insurance in the United States and Canada, 1860-1929 / George Emery and J.C. Herbert Emery
Canada. Indian Act. / : Truth and reconciliation. L'amendement = Abinodjic madjinakini / un film de Kevin Papatie ; réalisation, Kevin Papatie