Camp Ben Frankel (Makanda, Ill.) / : Serious fun at a Jewish community summer camp : family, Judaism, and Israel / Celia E. Rothenberg
Facilities in which WARFARE or political prisoners are confined
Camp Cooke (Calif.) -- History : Camp Cooke and Vandenberg Air Force Base, 1941/1966 : from armor and infantry training to space and missile launches / Jeffrey E. Geiger
Camp counselors -- Psychology : The point : a coming of age canticle / Fiat Lux Foundry presents ; written & directed by Andrea Malloni ; a Fiat Lux Foundry production
Camp Fire Girls. / : The Camp Fire Girls : Gender, Race, and American Girlhood, 1910-1980 / Jennifer Helgren
Camp Fire Girls -- History : Growing girls : the natural origins of girls' organizations in America / Susan A. Miller
Camp Huntsville (Prisoner of war camp) -- History : "The enemy within never did without" : German and Japanese prisoners of war at Camp Huntsville, 1942-1945 / edited by Jeffrey L. Littlejohn and Charles H. Ford
Camp, Joseph, 1811- -- Mental health : An insight into an insane asylum / Joseph Camp ; with an introduction by John S. Hughes and a biographical note on Peter Bryce by Robert O. Mellown
Camp Joseph T. Robinson (Ark.) -- See Also the earlier heading Camp Pike (Ark.)
Camp Joseph T Robinson Arkansas : Blood in their eyes : the Elaine Massacre of 1919 / Grif Stockley, Brian K. Mitchell, and Guy Lancaster