California -- San Rafael : Straight to Jesus : Sexual and Christian Conversions in the Ex-Gay Movement
California Sanctuary movement Los Angeles : Father Luis Olivares, a biography : faith politics and the origins of the sanctuary movement in Los Angeles / Mario T. García
California -- Saratoga : Six weeks in Saratoga : how three-year-old filly Rachel Alexandra beat the boys and became horse of the year / Brendan O'Meara
California Sarcophagi Malibu : Roman funerary monuments in the J. Paul Getty Museum / [Marion True and Guntram Koch, editors]
California Savings and loan association failures : The enforcers : how little-known trade reporters exposed the Keating five and advanced business journalism / Rob Wells ; with a foreword by David Cay Johnston
California Schizophrenics Biography : Many forms of madness : a family's struggle with mental illness and the mental health system / Rosemary Radford Ruether ; with David Ruether
California School administrators Training of Oakland : Creating gender inclusive schools / Gender Spectrum ; the Youth & Gender Media Project ; directed by Jonathan Skurnik ; produced by Jonathan Skurnik, Joel Baum, Lisa Kenney
California School children Oakland : Creating gender inclusive schools / Gender Spectrum ; the Youth & Gender Media Project ; directed by Jonathan Skurnik ; produced by Jonathan Skurnik, Joel Baum, Lisa Kenney