Byzantine Empire Arts and society Congresses : Late Byzantium reconsidered : the arts of the Palaiologan era in the Mediterreanean / edited by Andrea Mattiello and Maria Alessia Rossi
Byzantine Empire Balkan Peninsula Relations : The Balkans and the Byzantine world before and after the captures of Constantinople, 1204 and 1453 / edited by Vlada Stankovic
Byzantine Empire Balkan Peninsula Relations Congresses : Widmo Mahometa, cień Samuela : cesarstwo bizantyńskie w relacji z przedstawicielami innych religii i kultur (VII-XV wiek) / redakcja Zofia A. Brzozowska, Mirosław J. Leszka, Kirił Marinow, Teresa Wolińska
Byzantine Empire Basilians : Greek monasticism in southern Italy : the life of Neilos in context / edited by Barbara Crostini and Ines Angeli Murzaku
Byzantine Empire -- Bibliography : Articles on antiquity in Festschriften : the ancient Near East, the Old Testament, Greece, Rome, Roman law, Byzantium : an index / compiled by Dorothy Rounds
Byzantine Empire Bishops Correspondence : Conflict and negotiation in the early church : letters from late antiquity, translated from the Greek, Latin, and Syriac / Pauline Allen and Bronwen Neil
Byzantine Empire Books : Reading in the Byzantine Empire and beyond / edited by Teresa Shawcross, Ida Toth
Byzantine Empire -- Boundaries : The Islamic-Byzantine border in history : from the rise of Islam to the end of the crusades / edited by D.G. Tor and Alexander D. Beihammer
Byzantine Empire Breastfeeding : Breastfeeding and mothering in antiquity and early Byzantium / edited by Stavroula Constantinou and Aspasia Skouroumouni-Stavrinou
Byzantine Empire Bureaucracy : On powers, or the magistracies of the Roman state (De magistratibus reipublicae romanae) / by Ioannes Lydus ; translated and edited by Anastasius C. Bandy ; with associate editors Anastasia Bandy, Demetrios J. Constantelos, and Craig J.N. de Paulo ; preface by Michael Maas
Byzantine Empire Calendars Pictorial works History : Immagini del tempo degli dei, immagini del tempo degli uomini : un'analisi delle iconografie dei mesi nei calendari figurati romani e bizantini e del loro contesto storico-culturale / by Ciro Parodo