Burkina Faso AIDS (Disease) : Burkina Faso : selected issues and statistical annex / [prepared by ... Mr. van den Boogaerde and others]
Burkina Faso Archaeology, Medieval Oudalan : Oursi hu-beero : a medieval house complex in Burkina Faso, West Africa / editors, Lucas P. Petit, Maya von Czerniewicz, Christoph Pelzer ; contributions by Klaus-Dieter Albert [and others]
Burkina Faso Architects : Francis Kéré : radically simple / editors Andres Lepik, Ayça Beygo
Burkina Faso Architecture, Domestic : Villages and towns : Burkina Faso & Ghana, West Africa / photos by Yoshio Komatsu. Residential masterpieces : R.M. Schindler / text by Lionel March ; editor, Yukio Futagawa
Burkina Faso Arts Study and teaching : From Bayreuth to Burkina Faso : Christoph Schlingensief's Opera Village Africa as postcolonial gesamtkunstwerk? / Sarah Hegenbart
Burkina Faso Balance of payments : Burkina Faso : staff report for the 2000 Article IV consultation and first review under the poverty reduction and growth facility / [prepared by the African Department]
Burkina Faso Bikontine Travel : Sankara n'est pas mort = Sankara is not dead / Les Films du Bilboquet, Lyon Capitale TV présentent ; un film écrit et réalisé par Lucie Viver ; production, Eugénie Michel-Villette ; une coproduction, Les Films du Bilboquet, Lyon Capitale TV
Burkina Faso Businesswomen : Burkina Faso Women in Culture, Business & Travel : a Profile of Burkinabe Women in the Fabric of Society
Burkina Faso Children Djibo : First find your child a good mother : the construction of self in two African communities / Paul Riesman ; with a prologue by Suzanne Riesman ; editorial committee, David L. Szanton ... [and others]
Burkina Faso Children Drama : Ouaga saga / Alain Pancrazi & Agnes̀ Datin preśentent ; sceńario, adaptation, dialogues, Michel Mifsud & Jean-Denis Berenbaum ; co-productions, PM Holding, Magic Movies, Sahelis Productions avec la participation du Centre National de la Cineḿatographie ; producteurs, Alain Pancrazi, Agnes̀ Datin, Jacques Innocenti, Odile McDonald, Seḱou Traore ; reálisation, Dani Kouyaté
Burkina Faso Children Pétéga : First find your child a good mother : the construction of self in two African communities / Paul Riesman ; with a prologue by Suzanne Riesman ; editorial committee, David L. Szanton ... [and others]
Burkina Faso City planning Ouagadougou History : Le projet ZACA : marginalisation, résistances et reconfigurations de l'Islam à Ouagadougou, Burkina Faso (2001-2006) / Louis Audet Gosselin
Burkina Faso -- Commerce : Burkina Faso : selected issues / prepared by Chris Geiregat [and others]
Burkina Faso Communication : Burkina Faso Media, Internet & Telecommunications Complete Profile : This All-Inclusive Profile Includes All Three of Our Communications Reports
Burkina Faso Communication and traffic : Burkina Faso Media, Internet & Telecommunications Complete Profile : This All-Inclusive Profile Includes All Three of Our Communications Reports
Burkina Faso Debts, Public : Burkina Faso : first review under the three-year arrangement under the extended credit facility and request for a waiver of nonobservance of performance criterion : staff report, press release on the Executive Board discussion, and statement by the Executive Director for Burkina Faso / prepared by the African Dept
Burkina Faso -- Description and travel : Burkina Faso Society & Culture Complete Report : an All-Inclusive Profile Combining All of Our Society and Culture Reports
Burkina Faso Droughts : A Week of sweet water / by Peter Adamson ; a BBC-TV co-production in association with UNICEF ; producer, David Wallace ; script, Peter Adamson
Burkina Faso Dwellings : African spaces : designs for living in Upper Volta / Jean-Paul Bourdier, Trinh T. Minh-ha
Burkina Faso Dwellings Design and construction : Architects of change. Series 2, episode 11, The wages of hope / Groupe PVP and Lato Sensu Productions present ; a film by Sylvain Braun
Burkina Faso Dwellings Oudalan History To 1500 : Oursi hu-beero : a medieval house complex in Burkina Faso, West Africa / editors, Lucas P. Petit, Maya von Czerniewicz, Christoph Pelzer ; contributions by Klaus-Dieter Albert [and others]
Burkina Faso Economic assistance : Who are you and why are you here? : tales of international development / Jacques Claessens ; translated by Nigel G. Spencer
Burkina Faso -- Economic conditions -- 21st century : Burkina Faso : Request for a Three-Year Arrangement Under the Extended Credit Facility - Staff Report; Staff Supplement; Press Release on the Executive Board Discussion; and Statement by the Executive Director for Burkina Faso