Building, Stormproof -- Congresses : Advances in hurricane engineering : learning from our past : proceedings of the 2012 ATC & SEI Conference on Advances in Hurricane Engineering, October 24-26, 2012, Miami, Florida / sponsored by Applied Technology Council, the Structural Engineering Institute (SEI) of the American Society of Civil Engineers ; edited by Christopher P. Jones, Lawrence G. Griffis
Building, Stormproof -- India : Improving earthquake and cyclone resistance of structures : guidelines for the Indian subcontinent / Sekhar Chandra Dutta, Parthasarathi Mukhopadhyay
Building -- Study and teaching -- Congresses. : Building education and research : proceedings of the CIB W89 International Conference on Building Education and Research (BEAR'98) : 8-10 July 1998 / edited by J. Yang, W.P. Chang
Building -- Study and teaching (Higher) -- Congresses. : Building education and research : proceedings of the CIB W89 International Conference on Building Education and Research (BEAR'98) : 8-10 July 1998 / edited by J. Yang, W.P. Chang
Building -- Study and teaching -- Northwest, Pacific. : Studio at large : architecture in service of global communities / by Sergio Palleroni, in collaboration with Christina Eichbaum Merkelbach ; [foreword by Bryan Bell]
Building -- Study and teaching -- United States. : Learning by building : design and construction in architectural education / by William Carpenter ; with essays by Dan Hoffman ... [and others]
Building -- Superintendence -- England. : The clerk of works : a vade mecum for all engaged in the superintendence of building operations / by George Gordon Hoskins
Building technology. : Accelerating Market Transformation for High-Performance Building Enclosures State of Market, Policy Developments, and Lessons Learned from the Passive House Movement : State of Market, Policy Developments, and Lessons Learned from the Passive House Movement / Tom-Pierre Frappé-Sénéclauze
Building, Terra-cotta : Innovative vaulting in the architecture of the Roman Empire : 1st to 4th centuries CE / Lynne C. Lancaster, Ohio University
Building, Terra-cotta -- Rome : Innovative vaulting in the architecture of the Roman Empire : 1st to 4th centuries CE / Lynne C. Lancaster, Ohio University