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Book Cover
Author McCurry, Steve.

Title Sanctuary : the temples of Angkor / Steve McCurry ; introduction by John Guy
Published London : Phaidon, 2002


Location Call no. Vol. Availability
 MELB  959.600222 Mcc/Stt  AVAILABLE
Description 116 pages : chiefly color illustrations, maps, color portraits ; 20 x 28 cm
Subject McCurry, Steve.
Angkor Wat (Angkor) -- Pictorial works.
Buddhist temples -- Cambodia -- Angkor (Extinct city) -- Pictorial works.
Cambodia -- Antiquities -- Pictorial works.
Angkor (Extinct city) -- Pictorial works.
Genre/Form Illustrated works.
Author Guy, John, 1949-
LC no. 2003270707
ISBN 0714841757 hardback
Other Titles Temples of Angkor