An autosomal dominant defect of cardiac conduction that is characterized by an abnormal ST-segment in leads V1-V3 on the ELECTROCARDIOGRAM resembling a right BUNDLE-BRANCH BLOCK; high risk of VENTRICULAR TACHYCARDIA; or VENTRICULAR FIBRILLATION; SYNCOPAL EPISODE; and possible sudden death. This syndrome is linked to mutations of gene encoding the cardiac SODIUM CHANNEL alpha subunit
Brugada Syndrome : J wave syndromes : Brugada and early repolarization syndromes / Charles Antzelevitch, Gan-Xin Yan, editors
An autosomal dominant defect of cardiac conduction that is characterized by an abnormal ST-segment in leads V1-V3 on the ELECTROCARDIOGRAM resembling a right BUNDLE-BRANCH BLOCK; high risk of VENTRICULAR TACHYCARDIA; or VENTRICULAR FIBRILLATION; SYNCOPAL EPISODE; and possible sudden death. This syndrome is linked to mutations of gene encoding the cardiac SODIUM CHANNEL alpha subunit
An autosomal dominant defect of cardiac conduction that is characterized by an abnormal ST-segment in leads V1-V3 on the ELECTROCARDIOGRAM resembling a right BUNDLE-BRANCH BLOCK; high risk of VENTRICULAR TACHYCARDIA; or VENTRICULAR FIBRILLATION; SYNCOPAL EPISODE; and possible sudden death. This syndrome is linked to mutations of gene encoding the cardiac SODIUM CHANNEL alpha subunit
Brugada syndrome -- Diagnosis : Brugada phenocopy : the art of recognizing the Brugada ECG pattern / Adrian Baranchuk
An autosomal dominant defect of cardiac conduction that is characterized by an abnormal ST-segment in leads V1-V3 on the ELECTROCARDIOGRAM resembling a right BUNDLE-BRANCH BLOCK; high risk of VENTRICULAR TACHYCARDIA; or VENTRICULAR FIBRILLATION; SYNCOPAL EPISODE; and possible sudden death. This syndrome is linked to mutations of gene encoding the cardiac SODIUM CHANNEL alpha subunit
Bruges Banks and banking Belgium : Money, banking and credit in mediaeval Bruges : Italian merchant bankers, lombards and money-changers, a study in the origins of banking / by Raymond de Roover
Bruges Banks and banking Belgium History : Money, banking and credit in mediaeval Bruges : Italian merchant bankers, lombards and money-changers, a study in the origins of banking / by Raymond de Roover
Bruges (Belgium) -- Civilization : At Home in Renaissance Bruges Connecting Objects, People and Domestic Spaces in a Sixteenth-Century City
Bruges (Belgium) -- Economic conditions. : Money, banking and credit in mediaeval Bruges : Italian merchant bankers, lombards and money-changers, a study in the origins of banking / by Raymond de Roover