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Book Cover
Author Maldonado-Estrada, Alyssa.

Title Lifeblood of the parish : men and Catholic devotion in Williamsburg, Brooklyn / Alyssa Maldonado-Estrada
Published New York : New York University Press, 2020


Description 1 online resource (296 pages)
Series North American Religions
North American religions.
Contents Cover -- LIFEBLOOD OF THE PARISH -- Title -- Copyright -- Dedication -- CONTENTS -- List of Figures -- Introduction -- 1. Turks, Tattoos, and the Masculine Body of the Feast -- 2. Manual Labor and the Artistry of Devotion in the Basement -- 3. Making Money, Keeping the Parish Alive -- 4. Public Masculinities at the Feast -- 5. Constructing Catholic Propriety on North Eighth Street -- 6. Religion and Gentrification in the Twenty-First-Century City -- Epilogue -- Acknowledgments -- Notes -- Bibliography -- Index -- About the Author
Summary A New York City ethnography that explores men's unique approaches to Catholic devotionEvery Saturday, and sometimes on weekday evenings, a group of men in old clothes can be found in the basement of the Shrine Church of Our Lady of Mount Carmel in Williamsburg, Brooklyn. Each year the parish hosts the Feast of Our Lady of Mount Carmel and San Paolino di Nola. Its crowning event is the Dance of the Giglio, where the men lift a seventy-foot tall, four-ton tower through the streets, bearing its weight on their shoulders. Drawing on six years of research, Alyssa Maldonado-Estrada reveals the making of this Italian American tower, as the men work year-round to prepare for the Feast. She argues that by paying attention to this behind-the-scenes activity, largely overlooked devotional practices shed new light on how men embody and enact their religiosity in sometimes unexpected ways. Lifeblood of the Parish evocatively and accessibly presents the sensory and material world of Catholicism in Brooklyn, where religion is raucous and playful. Maldonado-Estrada here offers a new lens through which to understand men's religious practice, showing how men and boys become socialized into their tradition and express devotion through unexpected acts like painting, woodworking, fundraising, and sporting tattoos. These practices, though not usually considered religious, are central to the ways the men she studied embodied their Catholic identity and formed bonds to the church
Notes Print version record
Subject Paulinus, of Nola, Saint, approximately 353-431 -- Cult -- New York (State) -- New York
Paulinus, of Nola, Saint, approximately 353-431
Shrine Church of Our Lady of Mount Carmel (Brooklyn, New York, N.Y.)
Catholic Church -- New York (State) -- New York -- Customs and practices
Catholic Church -- Customs and practices.
Catholic Church
Masculinity -- Religious aspects -- Catholic Church.
Catholic men -- Religious life -- New York (State) -- New York
Catholic men -- Brooklyn -- New York (State) -- Social life and customs
Italian American Catholics -- Religious life -- New York (State) -- New York
RELIGION -- Christian Life -- Men's Issues.
Masculinity -- Religious aspects -- Catholic Church
Brooklyn (New York, N.Y.) -- Church history
Brooklyn (New York, N.Y.) -- Religious life and customs
Williamsburg (New York, N.Y.) -- Religious life and customs
New York (State) -- New York
New York (State) -- New York -- Brooklyn
New York (State) -- New York -- Williamsburg
Genre/Form Electronic books
Church history
Form Electronic book
ISBN 9781479868346