Brock, Rita Nakashima : Proverbs of ashes : violence, redemptive suffering, and the search for what saves us / Rita Nakashima Brock and Rebecca Ann Parker
Brockhoff Foundation : Festival for healthy living : creative arts for mental health and connecting communities : an initiative of the Royal Children's Hospital Mental Health Service incorporating a step by step guide for schools to stage their own festival for healthy living / [writer, Sandy Cahir]
Brocklehurst, Peter : Australian story : 5 fascinating stories from the award-winning ABC TV series
Brocklehurst, Peter, 1959- : Finding my voice : the Peter Brocklehurst story / Peter Brocklehurst, with Debbie Bennett
Brockman Droving Expedition (1874-1875) -- Diaries. / : The journal of the Brockman Droving Expedition of 1874-75 to the north west of Western Australia / edited by Nan Broad with Peter Bridge ; with an introduction on the origins of the Expedition and the fate of the Clarkson Brothers by Nan Broad
Brockman family -- Correspondence : Upcountry South Carolina goes to war : letters of the Anderson, Brockman, and Moore families, 1853-1865 / edited by Tom Moore Craig ; introduction by Melissa Walker and Tom Moore Craig
Brockman, J. R. -- Diaries. : The journal of the Brockman Droving Expedition of 1874-75 to the north west of Western Australia / edited by Nan Broad with Peter Bridge ; with an introduction on the origins of the Expedition and the fate of the Clarkson Brothers by Nan Broad