Chinese broccoli (Kailaan) in Southern Australia : a report for the Rural Industries Research and Development Corporation / by Wendy Morgan and David Midmore
Barton, A.C.T. : Rural Industries Research & Development Corporation, 2003
This publication, one of a number arising from the RIRDC project UCQ-10a, presents data from cooperative trials on Chinese broccoli (kailaan) carried out in Victoria and Tasmania. These trials show that Chinese broccoli can be grown all year in Victoria and options for cultivars for season and location are identified. No firm conclusions can be drawn about the potential for Chinese broccoli in Tasmania except that transplants bolted when grown in autumn and summer at Burnie in the north of the state. Details on crop duration by season and marketable yields are also addressed in the report
"Asian Foods Research and Development"--Cover
"January 2003"
Includes bibliographic references
Also available online via the World Wide Web
2003 Rural Industries Research and Development Corporation