British -- Mexico -- Fiction : The 1940 Under the volcano / by Malcolm Lowry ; a critical edition, edited and with an introduction by Miguel Mota & Paul Tiessen ; annotations by Chris Ackerley & David Large ; foreword by Vik Doyen & Patrick A. McCarthy ; afterword by Frederick Asals
British -- Middle East. : Tales of empire : the British in the Middle East, 1880-1952 / Derek Hopwood
British -- Migrations. : Britishness abroad : transnational movements and imperial cultures / [edited by] Kate Darian-Smith, Patricia Grimshaw and Stuart Macintyre
British Military Administration, British Somaliland -- See British Somaliland
British Military Mission to Siberia, 1918-1920 : Britmis : a great adventure of the war : being an account of Allied intervention in Siberia and of an escape across the Gobi to Peking / by Phelps Hodges
British -- Morocco -- History -- 19th century : Britain and Morocco during the embassy of John Drummond Hay, 1845-1886 / Khalid Ben Srhir ; translated by Malcolm Williams and Gavin Waterson
Here are entered works on motion pictures produced by British film companies and shown outside of Great Britain. General works on motion pictures shown in Great Britain or produced by British film companies are entered under Motion pictures--Great BritainThis heading is not used for individual films, which are entered under headings appropriate to the content, genre, and/or form of the film
British Museum. Department of Coins and Medals -- Catalogs. / : Nummi veteres : civitatum, regum, gentium, et provinciarum, Londini in Museo Richardi Payne Knight asservati [and now in the British Museum] : ab ipso ordine geographico descripti
British Museum. Department of Manuscripts -- Catalogs. / : Facsimiles of ancient charters in the British Museum / British Museum Dept. of Maunuscripts