Brenner, Barbara A. : So much to be done : the writings of breast cancer activist Barbara Brenner / Barbara Brenner ; edited by Barbara Sjoholm ; introduction by Rachel Morello-Frosch ; afterword by Anne Lamott
Brenner, Sydney. : A life in science / Sydney Brenner ; as told to Lewis Wolpert ; edited interview with additional material by Errol C. Friedberg and Eleanor Lawrence
Brennstoff : The hype about hydrogen : fact and fiction in the race to save the climate / Joseph J. Romm
Brennstoffherstellung : Biomass as energy source : resources, systems and applications / [edited by] Erik Dahlquist (School of Sustainable Development of Society and Technology, Malardalen University, Högskoleplan Vasteras, Sweden)
Brent (London) Labor disputes England : Report of a court of inquiry under the Rt Hon. Lord Justice Scarman, OBE into a dispute between Grunwick Processing Laboratories Limited and members of the Association of Professional, Executive, Clerical and Computer Staff / [by L.G. Scarman, J.P. Lowry, T. Parry] ; presented to Parliament by the Secretary of State for Employment