1. Introduction: History of Breast Implants, Types of Breast Implants, Silicon and Silicone -- 2. Deciding to have breast implants: Conditions under which Breast Implants should not be used, Breast Implant Surgery, Surgery Complications
3. Issues associated with breast implants -- 4.Living with breast implants:Checking Your Implants, Screening for Breast Cancer, Removal and Replacement of Implants -- 5. Other important information: Costs of Breast Implants, Medical Records, Australian Regulation of Breast Implants -- 6. Community asked questions and answers -- 7. Suggested questions to ask your surgeon before surgery -- 8. List of contacts
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Also available in an electronic version via the Internet. Address as of October 2001: http://www.tased.edu.au/tasonline/twhn/breast3.htm