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Title 60 Minutes: Belinda Van Krevel/Special Report: Bombing ISIS/Cosmetic Cowboys
Published Australia : NINE, 2015
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Description 1 online resource (streaming video file) (56 min. 7 sec.) ; 325412143 bytes
Summary BELINDA VAN KREVELBelinda van Krevil's life reads like a rap sheet of horror. She's been dubbed "Belinda Van Evil", and for good reason. She ordered the execution of her father, and nearly stabbed to death the man she loved. She did it all in the name of her brother, Mark van Krevil - a serial killer who's locked up for life. Just a few weeks ago Belinda was released from prison for the second time, surely her last chance at freedom.SPECIAL REPORT: BOMBING ISISThe Royal Australian Air Force has sent a squadron of jet fighters, along with mid-air refuelling aircraft and surveillance planes, to tackle the growing threat of Islamic State. While it may sound as though there is safety in being a few thousand feet above the enemy, Michael Usher learns that these brave air men and women face very real threats. In this exclusive report, 60 Minutes goes inside the cockpit with our courageous soldiers as they drop bombs to take out ISIS.COSMETIC COWBOYSInvestigates the billion-dollars industry of cosmetic surgery. Unlike plastic surgeons, most of the thousands of cosmetic surgeons operating in Australia have no specialist surgical training. And most of their operations take place in what is basically an office. Most dangerous of all, these operations are being carried out using potentially toxic anaesthetic methods
Notes Closed captioning in English
Event Broadcast 2015-09-20 at 20:30:00
Notes Classification: NC
Subject Breast implants -- Complications.
Murder -- Investigation.
Plastic surgeons -- Malpractice.
Terrorism -- Prevention.
IS (Organization)
Form Streaming video
Author Brown, Tara, host
Langdon, Allison, host
Usher, Michael, host
Bartholemeusz, Hugh, contributor
Gould, Marshall, contributor
Gould, Wayne, contributor
Oxford, Russell, contributor
Pollock, Kylie, contributor
Rickhuss, Amy, contributor
Van Krevel, Belinda, contributor