Brazil -- Politics and government -- Fiction : Esau and Jacob : a novel / by Joaquim Maria Machado de Assis ; translated from the Portuguese by Elizabeth Lowe ; edited with a foreword by Dain Borges ; and an afterword by Carlos Felipe Moisés
Brazil Poor children Recife Fiction : After life : an ethnographic novel / Tobias Hecht ; with portions based on the narrations of Bruna Veríssimo
Brazil Poor Employment : Development for sustainable agriculture : the Brazilian cerrado / [edited by] Akio Hosono (senior research adviser, Japan International Cooperation Agency Research Institute (JICA-RI), Japan), Carlos Magno Campos da Rocha (president, Brazilian Research Corporation (Embrapa), Brazil), Yutaka Hongo (visiting senior adviser, Japan International Cooperation Agency Research Institute (JICA-RI), Japan)
Brazil Poor girls Salvador : Dance lest we all fall down : breaking cycles of poverty in Brazil and beyond / Margaret Willson
Brazil Poor Rio de Janeiro Humor : Laughter out of place : race, class, violence, and sexuality in a Rio shantytown / Donna M. Goldstein ; with a new preface
Brazil Poor Services for : Politicas sociais no Governo Bolsonaro : entre descasos, retrocessos e desmontes / Clovis Roberto Zimmermann, Danilo Uzêda da Cruz (orgs.)