Brazil -- History -- Empire, 1822-1889 -- Fiction : Quincas Borba : a novel / by Joaquim Maria Machado de Assis ; translated from the Prtuguese by Gregory Rabassa ; with an introduction by David rT. Haberly and an afterword by Celso Favaretto
Brazil -- History, Military -- 19th century : Slavery and war in the Americas : race, citizenship, and state building in the United States and Brazil, 1861-1870 / Vitor Izecksohn
Brazil -- History -- Revolution, 1922. : Epitácio Pessoa, Brazil : the Makers of the Modern World, The Peace Conferences of 1919-23 and their aftermarth
Brazil -- History -- Sources -- Congresses : Brazil in the World, the World in Brazil. Brasil no mundo, o mundo no Brasil : Research Trends and Library Resources / Luis A. González, editor
Brazil History Study and teaching : História / Márcio Rogério de Oliveira Cano, coordenador ; Regina Soares de Oliveira, autora, Vanusia Lopes de Almeida, autora, Vitória Azevedo da Fonseca, autora
Brazil History teachers : Una mirada crítica desde la izquierda : homenaje a Luiz Felipe Falcão / Reinaldo Lohn y Pablo Pozzi (coord.) ; Grupo de Trabajo Izquierdas: praxis y transformación social
Brazil -- History -- To 1822 -- Sources : Early Brazil : a documentary collection to 1700 / edited by Stuart B. Schwartz ; translated by Clive Willis and Stuart B. Schwartz
Brazil Homicide investigation São Paulo : The killing consensus : police, organized crime, and the regulation of life and death in urban Brazil / Graham Denyer Willis
Brazil Homicide São Paulo : The killing consensus : police, organized crime, and the regulation of life and death in urban Brazil / Graham Denyer Willis