Brain death in children -- Moral and ethical aspects : Anencephalics, infants and brain death treatment options and the issue of organ donation : proceedings of Consensus Development Conference, February 28-March 1, 1991 / presented by the Law Reform Commission of Victoria, Australian Association of Paediatric Teaching Centres, Royal Children's Hospital, Melbourne ; editors, K. Sanders and B. Moore
Brain death in children -- Moral and ethical aspects -- Congresses : Anencephalics, infants and brain death treatment options and the issue of organ donation : proceedings of Consensus Development Conference, February 28-March 1, 1991 / presented by the Law Reform Commission of Victoria, Australian Association of Paediatric Teaching Centres, Royal Children's Hospital, Melbourne ; editors, K. Sanders and B. Moore
Pathologic conditions affecting the BRAIN, which is composed of the intracranial components of the CENTRAL NERVOUS SYSTEM. This includes (but is not limited to) the CEREBRAL CORTEX; intracranial white matter; BASAL GANGLIA; THALAMUS; HYPOTHALAMUS; BRAIN STEM; and CEREBELLUM
Acquired or inborn metabolic diseases that produce brain dysfunction or damage. These include primary (i.e., disorders intrinsic to the brain) and secondary (i.e., extracranial) metabolic conditions that adversely affect cerebral function
Brain Diseases -- diagnosis -- Atlases : Atlas of amplitude-integrated EEGs in the newborn / edited by Lena Hellström-Westas, Linda S de Vries, and Ingmar Rosen
Brain -- Diseases -- Early works to 1800 : Ibn al-Jazzār's Zād al-musāfir wa- qūt al-ḥāḍir, Provisions for the traveller and nourishment for the sedentary, Books I and II : diseases of the head and the face / a parallel Arabic-English translation by Gerrit Bos, Fabian Käs ; with critical editions of the medieval Hebrew translations by Gerrit Bos ; and medieval Latin translation by Michael R. McVaugh
Brain Diseases -- history : The wounded brain healed : the golden age of the Montreal Neurological Institute, 1934-1984 / William Feindel and Richard Leblanc