Botánica -- Bibliografías : An Oak Spring Pomona : a selection of the rare books on fruit in the Oak Spring Garden Library / described by Sandra Raphael
Botanical artists -- Australia -- Western Australia. : Brush with Gondwana : Botanical Artists Group of Western Australia / text by Janda Gooding ; foreword by Stephen D. Hopper ; illustrations by Rica Erickson ... [and others]
Botanical artists -- Great Britain. : Margaret Mee : in search of flowers of the Amazon forests: diaries of an English artist reveal the beauty of the vanishing rainforest / edited by Tony Morrison ; foreword by H.R.H., the Duke of Edinburgh ; appreciations from Ghillean T. Prance, Richard Evans Schultes, Roberto Burle Marx
Botanical artists -- Great Britain -- Biography -- Dictionaries : Dictionary of British and Irish botantists and horticulturalists including plant collectors, flower painters and garden designers / Ray Desmond ; with the assistance of Christine Ellwood
Botanical Artists Group of Western Australia -- History. / : Brush with Gondwana : Botanical Artists Group of Western Australia / text by Janda Gooding ; foreword by Stephen D. Hopper ; illustrations by Rica Erickson ... [and others]
Botanical Artists Group (W.A.) -- History : Brush with Gondwana : Botanical Artists Group of Western Australia / text by Janda Gooding ; foreword by Stephen D. Hopper ; illustrations by Rica Erickson ... [and others]
Botanical artists -- Ireland -- Biography -- Dictionaries : Dictionary of British and Irish botantists and horticulturalists including plant collectors, flower painters and garden designers / Ray Desmond ; with the assistance of Christine Ellwood
Botanical chemistry -- Australasia. : Plants for medicines : a chemical and pharmacological survey of plants in the Australian region / D.J. Collins ... [and others]
Botanical chemistry -- Dictionaries : Phytochemical dictionary of the Leguminosae / ILDIS, International Legume Database and Information Service and CHCD, Chapman & Hall Chemical Database ; compiler, I.W. Southon ; editors, F.A. Bisby, J. Buckingham, J.B. Harborne ; botanical data, J.L. Zarucchi [and 4 others] ; chemical data, Chapman & Hall Chemical Database ; phytochemical database, R.J. White [and 3 others]