Bosnia and Herzegovina Political participation : Guide to participatory democracy in Bosnia and Herzegovina and in Serbia and Montenegro / co-ordinated by Patrick Greer, Anne Murphy, Morten Øgård
Bosnia and Herzegovina -- Population : "Jedna si jedina moja domovina?" : etno-demografické proměny Bosny a Hercegoviny v letech 1945-2013 / Ondřej Žila
Bosnia and Herzegovina Postwar reconstruction Congresses : Reconstructing science, engineering, and higher education in Bosnia-Hercegovina and Croatia : summary of a meeting, Washington DC, May 6-7, 1996 / Office for Central Europe and Eurasia, Office of International Affairs, National Research Council
Bosnia and Herzegovina Privatization : Bosnia and Herzegovina : selected issues and statistical appendix / [prepared by Juan J. Fernández-Ansola and others]
Bosnia and Herzegovina Public welfare : Bosnia and Herzegovina : selected issues and statistical appendix / [prepared by Juan J. Fernández-Ansola and others]
Bosnia and Herzegovina Rape Case studies : Prozivanje duhova = Calling the ghosts / Bowery Productions in association with Julia Ormand and Indican Productions presents ; a film by Mandy Jacobson ; produced by Mandy Jacobson ; written and directed by Mandy Jacobson and Karmen Jelincic
Bosnia and Herzegovina Rape victims Biography : Prozivanje duhova = Calling the ghosts / Bowery Productions in association with Julia Ormand and Indican Productions presents ; a film by Mandy Jacobson ; produced by Mandy Jacobson ; written and directed by Mandy Jacobson and Karmen Jelincic
Bosnia and Herzegovina Refugee camps Drama : Belvedere / Comprex Production Sarajevo, Full Media Sarajevo, BHRT ; producent, Samir Smajić ; scenario i režija, Ahmed Imamović
Bosnia and Herzegovina Refugees Biography : The suitcase : refugee voices from Bosnia and Croatia, with contributions from over seventy-five refugees and displaced people / edited by Julie Mertus ... [and others] ; text editors Julie Mertus, Jasmina Tesanovic ; translations by Jelica Todosijevic ... [and others]