Bone Diseases -- metabolism : Nutritional influences on bone health / Peter Burckhardt, Bess Dawson-Hughes, Connie Weaver, editors
Bone Diseases -- nursing. : The skeletal system and the muscular system / edited by Janet T.E. Riddle ; with contributions from Kathleen B. Nicoll, Isabella I. Rowantree
Bone Diseases -- radionuclide imaging. : Combined scintigraphic and radiographic diagnosis of bone and joint diseases / Yong-Whee Bahk ; foreword by Henry N. Wagner, Jr
The facial skeleton, consisting of bones situated between the cranial base and the mandibular region. While some consider the facial bones to comprise the hyoid (HYOID BONE), palatine (HARD PALATE), and zygomatic (ZYGOMA) bones, MANDIBLE, and MAXILLA, others include also the lacrimal and nasal bones, inferior nasal concha, and vomer but exclude the hyoid bone. (Jablonski, Dictionary of Dentistry, 1992, p113)
Adhesives used to fix prosthetic devices to bones and to cement bone to bone in difficult fractures. Synthetic resins are commonly used as cements. A mixture of monocalcium phosphate, monohydrate, alpha-tricalcium phosphate, and calcium carbonate with a sodium phosphate solution is also a useful bone paste
Adhesives used to fix prosthetic devices to bones and to cement bone to bone in difficult fractures. Synthetic resins are commonly used as cements. A mixture of monocalcium phosphate, monohydrate, alpha-tricalcium phosphate, and calcium carbonate with a sodium phosphate solution is also a useful bone paste
Bone-grafting -- Handbooks, manuals, etc : Autologous resurfacing and fracture dowelling : a manual of transplantation technique / by Klaus Draenert [and others] ; foreword by Allan E. Gross ; in collaboration with F. Baumgaertel [and others] ; with clinical support from R. Aufenberg [and others]
Bones that constitute each half of the pelvic girdle in VERTEBRATES, formed by fusion of the ILIUM; ISCHIUM; and PUBIC BONE
Bone -- Histology. : Dinosaurs: The Hunt For Life / Director: Stewart, David
Bone, Ian, 1956- : Something about the author. Volume 158 : facts and pictures about authors and illustrators of books for young people / Maikue Vang, project editor
Bone -- Imaging : Advanced bioimaging technologies in assessment of the quality of bone and scaffold materials : techniques and applications / L. Qin [and others], editors
The growth action of bone tissue as it assimilates surgically implanted devices or prostheses to be used as either replacement parts (e.g., hip) or as anchors (e.g., endosseous dental implants)
Region of interaction between the bone and PROSTHESES AND IMPLANTS which becomes bonded through cellular and extracellular interactions similar to OSSEOINTEGRATION