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Title Sacer nidus = Das heilige Nest = The holy nest = Święte gniazdo
Published Schloss Goseck [Germany] : Raum Klang Records, [2012]


Description 1 online resource (1 audio file)
Contents Bogurodzica : Marienlied, Polen, 12./13. Jh. (1:37) -- Alme presul : Responsorium aus dem Reimoffizium (3:23) -- O preclara Adalberti : instrumental (6:09) -- O preclara Adalberti : Sequenz, Gnesen, 14. Jh. (3:08) -- Magnus cesar Otto : modus ottinc : Lied, Rheinland, 11. Jh. (6:58) -- Annua recolamus : Sequenz, Reichenau, ca. 1001 (5:30) -- Adalbertus presul : instrumental (3:18) -- Consurgat in preconia : Sequenz, Gnesen, 15. Jh. (5:20) -- Hac festa die : Improvisation (2:14) -- Hac desta die : Sequenz, Gnesen, nach 1090 (4:49) -- Beatus es : Improvisation (2:47) -- Alleluia V. Beatus es : Gnesen, 16. Jh. (2:15) -- Salve sidus Polonorum : Sequenz, Gnesen, 14./15/ Jh. (9:55) -- Alleluia. V. Salve decus Polonie : Krakau, 15. Jh. (1:55) -- Fulget in templo : Hymnus, Krakau, 15. Jh. (3:16) -- Omnis etas, omnis sexus : Planctus zum Tod von Bolesław Chrobry (1025) : Text, Gsallus Anonymus, Chronik (I, 16), 12. Jh. (7:35)
Notes Ensemble Peregrina performs music associated with the Polish town of Gniezno and the story of Saint Adalbert
Performer Agnieszka Budzińska-Bennett, voice, harp, direction Ensemble Peregrina
Event Recorded 2011 July 25-30 St.-Adalbert-Kirche in Poznań
Notes Sung in Latin, except the first item, sung in Polish
Hard copy version record
Subject Adalbert, Saint, Bishop of Prague, approximately 956-997 -- Songs and music
Bolesław I, King of Poland, 966 or 967-1025 -- Songs and music
Otto III, Holy Roman Emperor, 980-1002 -- Songs and music
Adalbert, Saint, Bishop of Prague, approximately 956-997
Bolesław I, King of Poland, 966 or 967-1025
Otto III, Holy Roman Emperor, 980-1002
Vocal music -- 500-1400
Vocal music -- 15th century
Music -- 500-1400.
Music -- 15th century.
Sequences (Music)
Memorial music.
Memorial music.
Sequences (Music)
Vocal music.
Gniezno (Poland) -- Songs and music
Poland -- Gniezno.
Genre/Form Streaming audio
Songs and music.
Form Streaming audio
Author Budzińska-Bennett, Agnieszka, performer.
Ensemble Peregrina, performer.
Other Titles Heilige Nest
Holy nest
Święte gniazdo