Blood Chemical Analysis -- ethics : Challenges and opportunities in using residual newborn screening samples for translational research : workshop summary / Steve Olson and Adam C. Berger, rapporteurs ; Roundtable on Translating Genomic-Based Research for Health, Board on Health Sciences Policy, Institute of Medicine of the National Academies
Blood cholesterol -- Sex differences : Learn to use the Kolmogorov-Smirnov test in Stata with the Cardiac catheterization diagnostic dataset (2018) / Christopher Wiesen
Blood cholesterol -- Statistics : Learn about density estimation in Stata with the Cardiac Catheterization Diagnostic Dataset (2018) / Christopher Wiesen and Odum Institute
Blood circulation disorders -- Age factors : Aging & blood stasis : a new TCM approach to geriatrics = Shuai lao he yu xue / by Yan De-Xin ; translated by Tang Guo-shun & Bob Flaws
Hemorrhagic and thrombotic disorders that occur as a consequence of abnormalities in blood coagulation due to a variety of factors such as COAGULATION PROTEIN DISORDERS; BLOOD PLATELET DISORDERS; BLOOD PROTEIN DISORDERS or nutritional conditions