Birds -- Flaming Gorge Reservoir (Wyo. and Utah) : University of Utah Anthropological Papers, Number 48 : Ecological Studies of the Flora and Fauna of Flaming Gorge Reservoir Basin, Utah and Wyoming
Birds -- Flight -- Congresses. : A Conference on the Biological Aspects of the Bird/Aircraft Collision Problem, 5-7 Feburary 1974 : proceedings / edited by Sidney A. Gauthreaux, Jr
Birds -- Flight -- Popular works : Why don't jumbo jets flap their wings? : flying animals, flying machines, and how they are different / David E. Alexander
Birds -- Food -- United States -- History : Feeding wild birds in America : culture, commerce, and conservation / Paul J. Baicich, Margaret A. Barker, and Carrol L. Henderson
Birds, Fossil Anatomy -- See Also the narrower term Feathers, Fossil
Birds, Fossil -- Australia -- Tasmania. : Pleistocene cave material of Tasmanian native-hen, Tribonyx mortierii and sooty shearwater, Puffinus griseus in Tasmania / by G.F. van Tets
Birds -- Germany -- Helgoland. : Heligoland as an ornithological observatory : the result of fifty years' experience / by Heinrich Gatke ; translated by Rudolph Rosenstock
Birds -- Great Britain -- Bibliography : Birds in counties : an ornithological bibliography for the counties of England, Wales, Scotland, and the Isle of Man / David K. Ballance