Biotic communities -- Indiana : Habitats and ecological communities of Indiana : presettlement to present / edited by John O. Whitaker, Jr. and Charles J. Amlaner, Jr. ; Marion T. Jackson, George R. Parker, and Peter E. Scott, associate editors
Biotic communities -- Indiana -- History : Habitats and ecological communities of Indiana : presettlement to present / edited by John O. Whitaker, Jr. and Charles J. Amlaner, Jr. ; Marion T. Jackson, George R. Parker, and Peter E. Scott, associate editors
Biotic communities -- Indonesia. : Ecology of insular Southeast Asia : the Indonesian Archipelago / edited by Friedhelm Göltenboth ... [and others] ; [illustrations by Rolito M. Dumalag]
Biotic communities -- Kenya -- Atlases. : Nature's benefits in Kenya : an atlas of ecosystems and human well-being / World Resources Institute . . . [and others]
Biotic communities -- Maryland -- Baltimore : Science for the sustainable city : empirical insights from the Baltimore School of Urban Ecology / Steward T.A. Pickett, Mary L. Cadenasso, J. Morgan Grove, Elena G. Irwin, Emma J. Rosi, and Christopher M. Swan, editors
Biotic communities -- Mongolia : The Mongolian ecosystem network : environmental issues under climate and social changes / Norio Yamamura, Noboru Fujita, Ai Maekawa, editors
Biotic communities -- North Carolina : Wild North Carolina : discovering the wonders of our state's natural communities / David Blevins & Michael P. Schafale
Biotic communities -- Patagonia (Argentina and Chile) : Global change in Atlantic coastal Patagonian ecosystems : a journey through time / E. Walter Helbling, Maite Narvarte, Raul González, Virginia E. Villafañe, editors
Biotic communities -- Pictorial works. : Global 200 : places that must survive / preface by Fulco Pratesi ; editorial coordination WWF-Italy, Simona Giordano; texts, Simona Giordano ... [and others]
Biotic communities -- Polar regions : Adaptation and evolution in marine environments. Volume 2 : the impacts of global change on biodiversity / Guido di Prisco, Cinzia Verde, editors
Biotic communities -- Red Sea. : Hypersaline ecosystems : the Gavish Sabkha / edited by G.M. Friedman and W.E. Krumbein in cooperation with M.R. Buyce and G. Gerdes
Biotic communities -- Red Sea Region : Hypersaline ecosystems : the Gavish Sabkha / edited by G.M. Friedman and W.E. Krumbein in cooperation with M.R. Buyce and G. Gerdes
Biotic communities -- Remote sensing : Satellite observations to benefit science and society : recommended missions for the next decade / National Research Council of the National Academies
Biotic communities -- Remote sensing -- Congresses. : Remote sensing for agriculture, ecosystems, and hydrology XI : 1-3 September 2009, Berlin, Germany / Christopher M.U. Neale, Antonino Maltese, editors ; sponsored by SPIE Europe ; cooperating organisations, SPIE ... [and others]
Biotic communities -- Research -- Australia -- Western Australia. : Program L : fragmentation of ecosystems and conservation of biota : development history, future development 1993-1998, research in progress, potential student projects and publication record / [D.A. Saunders, officer-in-charge]
Biotic communities -- Scandinavia : Landscape experiences as a cultural ecosystem service in a Nordic context : concepts, values and decision-making / Henrik Lindhjem, Rasmus Reinvang and Marianne Zandersen