Biomechanics Biology and other natural sciences Physiological, cellular and medical topics : Tomography and inverse transport theory : International Workshop on Mathematical Methods in Emerging Modalities of Medical Imaging, October 25-30, 2009, Banff, Canada : International Workshop on Inverse Transport Theory and Tomography, May 16-21, 2010, Banff, Canada / Guillaume Bal [and others], editors
Biomechanics -- Computer simulation -- Congresses : Computer methods in biomechanics and biomedical engineering : proceedings of the 14th International Symposium CMBBE, Tel Aviv, Israel, 2016 / edited by Amit Gefen, Daphne Weihs
Biomechanics -- Data processing : Computational biomechanics for medicine : solid and fluid mechanics for the benefit of patients / Karol Miller, Adam Wittek, Grand Joldes, Martyn P. Nash, Poul M.F. Nielsen, editors
Biomechanics -- Laboratory manuals : Applied biomechanics laboratory manual / John C. Garner, PhD, Troy University, Charles R. Allen, PhD, Florida Southern College, Harish Chander, PhD, Mississippi State University, Adam C Knight, PhD, Mississippi State University
Biomechanics -- Pictorial works. : Human bones : a scientific and pictorial investigation / R. McNeill Alexander ; photography by Aaron Diskin ; consultant, Henry Galiano
Biomedical and Dental Materials -- chemistry : Deterioration and protection of sustainable biomaterials / Tor P. Schultz, editor, Silvaware, Inc., Starkville, Mississippi, Barry Goodell, editor, Virginia Polytechnic Institute and State University (Virginia Tech), Blacksburg, Virginia, Darrel D. Nicholas, editor, Mississippi State University Mississippi State, Mississippi ; sponsored by the ACS Division of Cellulose and Renewable Materials