Description |
1 online resource |
Contents |
Machine generated contents note: 1. Introduction -- Who is this book for? -- process of career planning -- Helping you with your career planning -- Content of the book -- How to use this book -- 2. Planning your career -- importance of career planning -- What is career planning? -- Career planning in action -- Conclusion -- 3. Self-awareness -- What is self-awareness? -- Practical ways to analyse your s̀elf' and increase self-awareness -- Conclusion -- 4. job market -- Career sectors -- Examples of job advertisements -- Analysis of job advertisements -- Self-employment -- Where are the jobs? -- Conclusion -- 5. Enhancing your employability -- changing nature of work -- Taking responsibility -- Taking a proactive approach -- Planned happenstance -- Personal and professional development -- Conclusion -- 6. Making applications -- Employer perspective -- Presenting a professional image -- Methods of application -- Conclusion -- 7. Successful interview technique -- Types of interviews -- Interview content: what questions will you be asked? -- Answering the questions -- Thinking of questions to ask the interviewer -- Preparation -- If you are offered the job -- If you are not offered the job -- Conclusion -- 8. Decision making and action planning -- Careers in research -- Other career options -- Decision making -- Taking action -- Turning decisions into action -- Conclusion -- Afterword -- Appendix 1 Career narratives -- Summaried list career narratives -- 1. Michel: professor, US university -- 2. Teresa: research fellow, Austrian university -- 3. John: lecturer, UK university -- 4. Andrew: lead scientist, protein design team, large agribiotechnology company -- 5. John: scientific team leader, drug metabolism and pharmacokinetics (DMPK), global contract research organisation -- 6. Joanna: product and R & D manager, small biotech company -- 7. Petra: scientific adviser, protein interaction services company -- 8. Ann: president and chief executive officer, small immunoreagent company -- 9. Yfke: senior medical writer, medical communications agency -- 10. Carol: freelance science editor, writer and training consultant -- 11. Mary: features editor, Teaching Tools in Plant Biology (learned journal) -- 12. Linda: teacher training co-ordinator, public research institute -- 13. Ruth: freelance science journalist -- 14. David: research associate, Committee on Science, Engineering, and Public Policy, National Academy of Sciences; Outreach Committee Co-chair, AAAS Science and Human Rights Coalition -- 15. Edward: clinical trial co-ordinator, university cancer trial centre -- 16. Miguel: patent examiner, European Patent Office -- 17. Florent: scientific officer, Marie Curie Actions, European Commission -- 18. John: healthcare analyst, self-employed partnership -- 19. Annie: technology consultant, international technology consultancy -- 20. Ian: sound engineer, production services provider -- Appendix 2 Social media -- Appendix 3 Example CVs -- Appendix 4 Support and resources |
Summary |
Career Planning for Research Bioscientists is an essential careers guide for bioscience doctoral students and postdoctoral researchers. It contains a wealth of information and resources specifically targeted at research bioscientists, with practical strategies to enhance career success in an increasingly competitive job market. Advice on how to write a winning CV together with examples adapted for different jobs is presented, as well as practical exercises to assist with skills analysis and decision making. Profiles of PhD-qualified bioscienstists in a range of professions including |
Bibliography |
Includes bibliographical references and index |
Notes |
Print version record and CIP data provided by publisher |
Subject |
Biology -- Vocational guidance.
Career development.
Career Mobility
NATURE -- Reference.
SCIENCE -- Life Sciences -- Biology.
SCIENCE -- Life Sciences -- General.
Biology -- Vocational guidance.
Career development.
Form |
Electronic book
LC no. |
2012026769 |
9781118406571 |
1118406575 |
9781118406601 |
1118406605 |
9781118406700 |
1118406702 |
140519670X |
9781405196703 |
9781283604079 |
1283604078 |