Biological disasters -- United States -- Congresses : Building a national capability to monitor and assess medical countermeasure use during a public health emergency : going beyond the last mile: proceedings of a workshop / Morgan Boname, Theresa Wizemann, and Justin Snair, rapporteurs ; Board on Health and Science Policy, Health and Medicine Division, the National Academies of Sciences, Engineering, Medicine
Here are entered works on the totality of the variety of living organisms, the genetic differences among them, and the communities and ecosystems in which they occur
Biological diversity conservation -- Costa Rica. : Biodiversity conservation in Costa Rica : learning the lessons in a seasonal dry forest / edited by Gordon W. Frankie, Alfonso Mata, and S. Bradleigh Vinson
Here are entered works on the application of electronic devices in biology. Works on electronic phenomena occurring in biological systems are entered under Bioelectronics
Here are entered works on estimating and evaluating the effects that human activities have on living organisms and their habitats. Works on estimating and evaluating the actual or potential hazards that toxic substances pose to an ecosystem are entered under Ecological risk assessment
Biological exposure indices (Industrial toxicology) -- Tables. : List of MAK and BAT Values 2012 : maximum concentrations and biologial tolerance values at the workplace / Commision for the Investigation of Health Hazards of Chemical Compounds in the Work Area
Biological Factors -- immunology. : Detection and quantification of antibodies to biopharmaceuticals : practical and applied considerations / [edited] by Michael G. Tovey