Biliary tract -- Surgery -- Atlases : Blumgart's surgery of the liver, biliary tract and pancreas / editor in chief : William R. Jarnagin; associate editors: Peter J. Allen, William C. Chapman, Michael I. D'angelica, Ronald P. DeMatteo, Richard Kinh Gian Do, Jean-Nicolas Vathey; Editor emeritus : Leslie H. Blumgart
Biliary tract -- Surgery -- Complications : Management of benign biliary stenosis and injury : a comprehensive guide / Elijah Dixon, Charles M. Vollmer Jr., Gary R. May, editors
Bilimoria, Karan : Karan Bilimoria / producer, Sara Allen ; director, Christopher Howells
Bilʻīn -- Research -- Case studies. : The walk-along : eliciting 'emplaced' knowledges in Bil'in, a geopolitically contested Palestinian village / Suzanne Hassan Hammad
Bilinara language (N36) (NT SD52-16) : A grammar of Bilinarra : an Australian aboriginal language of the Northern Territory / Felicity Meakins, Rachel Nordlinger
Bilinara people (N36) (NT SD52-16) : A grammar of Bilinarra : an Australian aboriginal language of the Northern Territory / Felicity Meakins, Rachel Nordlinger
Bilinarra language N36. : Hidden histories : black stories from Victoria River Downs, Humbert River and Wave Hill Stations / Deborah Bird Rose
Bilinarra people N36. : Hidden histories : black stories from Victoria River Downs, Humbert River and Wave Hill Stations / Deborah Bird Rose
Bilindabagabo, Alexis, 1956- : Rescued by angels : the story of miracles during the Rwandan genocide / by Alexis Bilindabagabo with Alan Nichols
Bilindustri. : Surfing the global tide : automotive giants and how to survive them / Michael S. Wynn-Williams
Bilindustri -- fallstudier. : Hybridization of MNE subsidiaries : the automotive sector in India / Florian A.A. Becker-Ritterspach
Bilinear forms -- Congresses : Bilinear integrable systems : from classical to quantum, continuous to discrete / edited by Ludwig Faddeev, Pierre Van Moerbeke and Franklin Lambert
Bilingual authors -- Arab countries : Bilingual creativity and Arab contact literature : towards a world Englishes and translation studies framework / Dina Hassan