Bible. Malachi -- Language, style : A message from the Great King : reading Malachi in light of ancient Persian royal messenger texts from the time of Xerxes / R. Michael Fox
Bible -- Manuscripts. : Jewish and Christian scripture as artifact and canon / edited by Craig A. Evans and H. Daniel Zacharias
Bible -- Manuscripts -- Catalogs. : Bibliotheca Sussexiana : a descriptive catalogue, accompanied by historical and biographical notices, of the manuscripts and printed books contained in the library of His Royal Highness the Duke of Sussex in Kensington Palace / by Thomas Joseph Pettigrew
Bible -- Manuscripts, Coptic : Der Text des koptischen Psalters aus al-Mudil : ein Beitrag zur Textgeschichte der Septuaginta und zur Textkritik koptischer Bibelhandschriften, mit der kritischen Neuausgabe des Papyrus 37 der British Library London (U) und des Papyrus 39 der Leipziger Universitätsbibliothek (2013) / Gregor Emmenegger
Bible -- Manuscripts -- Exhibitions. : The word in manuscript and print : a catalogue of biblical and related material arranged on the occasion of the Melbourne Catholic Diocesan Centenary in May of the year one thousand nine hundred and forty-eight / Public Library of Victoria, Melbourne
Bible. Mark -- Comparative studies -- Congresses : Mark and Matthew. II, Reception history, cultural hermeneutics, and theology : comparative readings / edited by Eve-Marie Becker and Anders Runesson
Bible. Mark -- Criticism, interpretation, etc., Jewish : The Bible, the Talmud, and the New Testament : Elijah Zvi Soloveitchik's commentary to the Gospels / edited, with an introduction and commentary, by Shaul Magid ; translated by Jordan Gayle Levy ; foreword by Peter Salovey
Bible. Mark -- Feminist criticism -- Asia : Postcolonial discipleship of embodiment : an Asian and Asian American feminist reading of the gospel of Mark / Jin Young Choi
Bible. Mark, II, 1-III, 6 -- Criticism, interpretation, etc : Mark's memory resources and the controversy stories (Mark 2:1-3:6) : an application of the frame theory of cognitive science to the Markan oral-aural narrative / by Yoon-Man Park
Bible. Mark, II, 1-III, 6 -- Language, style : Mark's memory resources and the controversy stories (Mark 2:1-3:6) : an application of the frame theory of cognitive science to the Markan oral-aural narrative / by Yoon-Man Park