Bewijs van de ware godsdienst (Hugo de Groot) : Hugo Grotius as apologist for the Christian religion : a study of his work De veritate religionis Christianae, 1640 / by Jan-Paul Heering ; translated by J.C. Grayson
Bewusstseinspädagogik : Paulo Freire on higher education : a dialogue at the National University of Mexico / Miguel Escobar [and others] ; foreword by Peter L. McLaren ; introduction by Carlos Alberto Torres ; afterword by Colin Lankshear
Bewusstseinsspaltung : On Freud's "Splitting of the ego in the process of defence" / edited by Thierry Bokanowski & Sergio Lewkowicz ; foreword by Elias Mallet da Rocha Barros
Beycesultan Site (Turkey) : Community identity and archaeology : dynamic communities at Aphrodisias and Beycesultan / Naoíse Mac Sweeney
Beyeler, Ernst, 1921-2010 -- Art collections -- Exhibitions : Masterpieces of the twentieth century : [the Beyeler Collection ; the Art Gallery of New South Wales, 7 December 1996 to 2 March 1997 / [editors Ewen McDonald and Karen Regan]