Berufliche Wiedereingliederung : Leaving welfare : employment and well-being of families that left welfare in the post-entitlement era / Gregory Acs, Pamela Loprest
Berufsanfang Akademiker Europa Umfrage : Higher education and graduate employment in Europe : results of graduate surveys from twelve countries / by Harald Schomburg and Ulrich Teichler
Berufsanfang Europa Akademiker Umfrage : Higher education and graduate employment in Europe : results of graduate surveys from twelve countries / by Harald Schomburg and Ulrich Teichler
Berufsberater : European competence standards for the academic training of career practitioners : NICE Handbook. Volume 2 / edited by Christiane Schiersmann, Sif Einarsdóttir, Johannes Katsarov, Jukka Lerkkanen, Rachel Mulvey, Jacques Pouyaud, Kestutis Pukelis, and Peter Weber
Berufserwartung : Motivation - the gender perspective of young people's images of science, engineering and technology : proceedings of the final conference / Felizitas Sagebiel (ed.)
Berufsgrundbildung : Neue Wege und Begegnungen in der Grundbildung und Grundbildungsforschung eine Zwischenbilanz aus Forschung und Praxis Antje Pabst, Natalie Pape (Hg.)
Berufsgrundbildungsjahr : Youth employment and training programs : the YEDPA years / Charles L. Betsey, Robinson Hollister, Jr., and Mary R. Papageorgiou, editors ; Committee on Youth Employment Programs, Commission on Behavioral and Social Sciences and Education, National Research Council
Berufsgruppe : The age demographics of academic librarians : a profession apart / Stanley J. Wilder
Berufsideologie : Ideology in the language of judges : how judges practice law, politics, and courtroom control / Susan U. Philips