Behn, Aphra, 1640-1689. Forc'd marriage : Drama for students. Volume 24 : presenting analysis, context and criticism on commonly studied dramas / Jennifer Greve and Ira Mark Milne, project editors ; foreword by Carole L. Hamilton
Behn, Robin. Ten years after your deliberate drowning : Poetry for students. Volume 21 : presenting analysis, context and criticism on commonly studied poetry / Anne Marie Hacht, project editor ; foreword by David Kelly
Behnisch, Stefan -- Interviews. : Poetry, property, and place : Stefan Behnisch, Gerald Hines / Nina Rappaport, editor ; Markus Dochantschi and Jonah Gamblin, assistant editors
Behr-Sigel, Elisabeth : Toward the endless day : the life of Elisabeth Behr-Sigel / Olga Lossky ; translated by Jerry Ryan ; edited by Michael Plekon ; foreword by Olivier Clément
Behrend, Arthur : Make me a soldier : a platoon commander in Gallipoli / Arthur Behrend
Behrend, Ernst, 1869-1940 -- Correspondence : Glenhill Farm the history of a family estate : as revealed in the correspondence between Brognard Okie and Ernst and Mary Behrend / by Richard L. Hart ; with a foreword by James B. Garrison