Here are entered works on the interrelationships of organisms and their environment, including other organisms. Works on the composite of physical, biological, and social sciences concerned with the conditions of the environment and their effects are entered under Environmental sciences. Works on the relationship of humans to the natural environment are entered under Human ecology. Works on the relationship of humans to their sociocultural environment are entered under Social ecology --subdivision Environmental aspects under subjects, e.g. Agricultural chemicals--Environmental aspects; Nuclear power plants--Environmental aspects; and headings beginning with the word Ecological
Balance of Payment. : The Sensitivity of Secondary Sovereign Loan Market Returns to Macroeconomlc Fundamentals / International Monetary Fund
Balance of payments -- Africa : Are African current account deficits different? : stylized facts, transitory shocks, and decomposition analysis / prepared by César Calderón, Alberto Chong and Luisa Zanforlin
Balance of payments -- Africa, Southern : The Southern African Development Community's Macroeconomic Convergence Program : initial performance / Robert Burgess
Balance of payments -- Algeria : Algeria : staff report for the 2000 Article IV consultation / [prepared by the staff representatives for the 2000 Article IV consultation with Algeria]
Balance of payments -- Armenia : Republic of Armenia : recent economic developments and selected issues / prepared by a staff team consisting of Clinton Shiells, Francis Kumah, Christiane Nickel (all EU2), Lynge Nielsen (PDR), and Christine Dieterich (FAD)
Balance of payments -- Aruba : Kingdom of the Netherlands Aruba : recent economic developments / prepared by Bas B. Bakker and Angel Ubide
Balance of payments -- Bahamas : The Bahamas, staff report for the 1999 Article IV consultation / prepared by the staff representatives for the 1999 consultation with the Bahamas
Balance of payments -- Bangladesh. : Fiscal and monetary influences on balance of payments : an empirical study of Bangladesh 1972-3 to 1989-90 / by Saiful Islam
Balance of payments -- Burkina Faso : Burkina Faso : staff report for the 2000 Article IV consultation and first review under the poverty reduction and growth facility / [prepared by the African Department]
Balance of payments -- Cabo Verde : Cape Verde : eight review under the policy support instrument : staff report, press release / prepared by the African Dept., in consultation with other departments
Balance of Payments Data. : Mauritius : Report on the Observance of Standards and Codes (ROSC) Data Module / International Monetary Fund
Balance of payments -- Developed countries : On cyclicality in the current and financial accounts : evidence from nine industrial countries / Jens R. Clausen and Magda Kandil