Balbir Singh, -2004 : Long trek to India and freedom : daring escape by three Indian army officers from Japanese POW camp / by Jasbir Singh
Balbirini Land tenure Australia Northern Territory : Carpentaria Downs / Balbirini Land Claim No. 160 : report and recommendation of the former Aboriginal Land Commissioner, Justice Gray to the Minister for Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander Affairs and to the Administrator of the Northern Territory
Balboa (Firm) -- History : Balboa films : a history and filmography of the silent film studio / by Jean-Jacques Jura and Rodney Norman Bardin II ; with assistance in research for the filmography by Claudine Burnett
Balcanes (Región) Partidos políticos : Party members and their importance in non-EU countries : a comparative analysis / edited by Sergiu Gherghina, Alexandra Iancu and Sorina Soare
Balcans. : Dinaric perspectives on TIMSS 2019 : teaching and learning mathematics and science in South-Eastern Europe / Barbara Japelj Pavešić, Paulína Koršňáková, Sabine Meinck, editors
Balck, Hermann, 1893-1982. : Order in chaos : the memoirs of General of Panzer Troops Hermann Balck / Hermann Balck ; edited and translated by Major General David T. Zabecki, USA (Ret.), and Lieutenant Colonel Dieter J. Biederkarken, USA (Ret.) ; foreword by Carlo D'Este