Autobiographie Réfugiés espagnols Algérie : ¡Recuerda! Scribo ergo sum(-us) : la escritura del yo de los exiliados políticos de la Guerra Civil en la Argelia colonial / Danae Gallo González
Autobiographies -- Black authors : Nine Black women : an anthology of nineteenth-century writers from the United States, Canada, Bermuda, and the Caribbean / edited and introduced by Moira Ferguson
autobiographies (form) : The Life and Journey of an Entrepreneur / Katongo Mulenga Maine ; edited by Pamela Shurmer-Smith
Autobiographies -- France : Spaces of belonging : home, culture, and identity in 20th century French autobiography / Elizabeth H. Jones
Autobiographies. : L' Autobiogrpahie de Charles Darwin 1809-1882 Retablissant les Passages Supprimes de la Publication Originale. Edition, Comprenant Annexes et Notes, Par Sa Petite-Fille NORA BARLOW [Londres, Collins, 1958]. Traduction Nouvelle. Precede de Patrick Tort Darwin Ou la Confidence Restituee
Autobiographies History and criticism -- See Autobiography
Autobiographies -- Italy : Courting celebrity : the autobiographies of Angela Veronese and Teresa Bandettini / translated, edited, and introduced by Adrienne Ward and Irene Zanini-Cordi
Autobiographies -- Texas : With courage and common sense : memoirs from the Older Women's Legacy Circles / edited and with introductions by Susan Wittig Albert and Dayna Finet ; foreword by Liz Carpenter
Autobiography as Topic -- psychology : Aging and biography : explorations in adult development / James E. Birren [and others], editors ; Gary M. Kenyon, Jan-Erik Ruth, editorial coordinators
Autobiography -- Asian American authors. : Ethnic life writing and histories : genres, performance, and culture / Rocio G. Davis, Jaume Aurell, Ana Beatriz Delgado (eds.)