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Authors, German -- 19th century -- Political and social views   3
Authors, German -- 19th century -- Political and social views -- Congresses : The Internalized Revolution  2016 1
Authors, German -- 20th century   6
Authors, German -- 20th century -- Bio-bibliography : German's children's and youth literature in exile 1933-1950 : biographies and bibliographies / Fuss Phillips, Zlata  2011 1
Authors, German -- 20th century -- Biography   52
Authors, German -- 20th century -- Biography -- Congresses   2
Authors, German -- 20th century -- Biography -- Dictionaries : Deutsches Literatur-Lexikon. Dreiundzwanzigster Band, Jannack-Jonigk : das 20. Jahrhundert : biographisches-bibliographisches Handbuch / begründet von Wilhelm Kosch ; herausgegeben von Lutz Hagestedt  2014 1
Authors, German -- 20th century -- Biography -- Periodicals : Thomas Mann Jahrbuch  1988- 1
Authors, German -- 20th century -- Congresses : Hermann Hesse today = Hermann Hesse heute / edited by Ingo Cornils and Osman Durrani  2005 1
Authors, German -- 20th century -- Correspondence.   7
Authors, German -- 20th century -- Diaries   2
Authors, German -- 20th century -- Interviews. : West German poets on society and politics : interviews with an introduction / by Karl H. Van D'Elden  1979 1
Authors, German -- 20th century -- Pictorial works : Kracauer photographic archive / edited by Maria Zinfert ; translated by Michael Turnbull  2014 1
Authors, German -- 20th century -- Political activity : Refuge and Realit : Feuchtwanger and the European Émigrés in California  2005 1
Authors, German -- 20th century -- Political and social views   10
Authors, German -- 20th century -- Political and social views -- Congresses   3
Authors, German -- 21st century : Mystical Islam and cosmopolitanism in contemporary German literature : openness to alterity / Joseph Twist  2018 1
Authors, German -- 21st century -- Biography : ""Verborgene Texte des Lebens"" Dieter Wellershoff - ein Lesebuch  2022 1
Authors, German -- Aesthetics : Theory as practice : a critical anthology of early German romantic writings / Jochen Schulte-Sasse, general editor ; coedited, translated, and introduced by Haynes Horne [and others]  1997 1
Authors, German -- Bio-bibliography   6
Authors, German -- Biography   5
Authors, German -- Biography -- 20th century. : Walter Benjamin : a biography / Momme Brodersen ; translated by Malcolm R. Green and Ingrida Ligers ; edited by Martina Derviş  1996 1
Authors, German -- Biography -- Dictionaries   2
Authors, German -- Correspondence : Dichtung und Wirtschaft, oder, Die (Brief- )Freundschaft zwischen dem Dichter Ernst Wiechert und dem Ökonomen Karl William Kapp / Sebastian Berger  2017 1
Authors, German -- Czech Republic -- Bohemia : Česko-německá literární křižovatka  2020 1
Authors, German -- Dictionaries   6
Authors, German -- Drama : Brecht in L.A  2002 1
Authors, German -- Early modern, 1500-1700 -- Bio-bibliography -- Dictionaries : German Baroque writers, 1661-1730 edited by James Hardin  c1996 1
Authors, German -- Early modern, 1500-1700 -- Biography -- Dictionaries : German Baroque writers, 1580-1660 edited by James Hardin  c1996 1
Authors, German -- Fiction.   2
Authors, German -- Foreign countries -- Congresses : Vertriebene Vernunft? Aufklärung und Exil Nach 1933  2019 1
Authors, German -- Germany -- Berlin -- Biography   2
Authors, German -- Germany -- Dresden -- 18th century -- Biography : Ludwig Tieck : an annotated guide to research / Dwight A. Klett  2020 1
Authors, German -- Germany -- Dresden -- 19th century -- Biography : Ludwig Tieck : an annotated guide to research / Dwight A. Klett  2020 1
Authors, German -- Germany (East) : Writing in red. The East German writers union and the role of literary intellectuals / thomas W. Goldstein  2017 1
Authors, German -- Germany (West) -- Political and social views : Writers and politics in West Germany / K. Stuart Parkes  2020 1
Authors, German -- Great Britain -- Congresses : W.G. Sebald : Schreiben ex patria = expatriate writing / edited by Gerhard Fischer  2009 1
Authors, German -- Homes and haunts : Markt und intellektuelles Kräftefeld : Literaturkritik im Feuilleton von "Pariser Tageblatt" und "Pariser Tageszeitung" (1933-1940) / Michaela Enderle-Ristori  1997 1
Authors, German -- Homes and haunts -- France : Markt und intellektuelles Kräftefeld : Literaturkritik im Feuilleton von "Pariser Tageblatt" und "Pariser Tageszeitung" (1933-1940) / Michaela Enderle-Ristori  1997 1
Authors, German -- Inn River Valley -- Bio-bibliography : Bücher und Autoren zwischen Inn und Salzach : Biographien und Bibliographie zur Literatur einer kulturellen Region / Bernhard Josef Stalla, Gerhard Stalla (Hrsg.)  2006 1
Authors, German -- Italy -- 18th century -- Travel. : Italian journey / Johann Wolfgang von Goethe ; translated by Robert R. Heitner ; introduction and notes by Thomas P. Saine ; edited by Thomas P. Saine and Jeffrey L. Sammons  1994 1
Authors, German -- Middle High German : Das wissensvermittelnde Schrifttum bis zum Ausgang des 14. Jahrhunderts  2014 1
Authors, German -- Middle High German, 1050-1500 -- Bio-bibliography -- Encyclopedias : Das wissensvermittelnde Schrifttum bis zum Ausgang des 14. Jahrhunderts  2014 1
Authors, German -- Middle High German, 1050-1500 -- Biography -- Dictionaries : German writers and works of the High Middle Ages, 1170-1280 edited by James Hardin and Will Hasty  c1994 1
Authors, German -- Missouri -- Perry County -- Biography : My farm on the Mississippi : the story of a German in Missouri, 1945-1948 / Heinrich Hauser ; translated with an introduction by Curt A. Poulton  2001 1
Authors, German -- Philosophy : Literature and philosophy in dialogue : essays in German literary theory / by Hans-Georg Gadamer ; translated with an introduction by Robert H. Paslick  1994 1
Authors, German -- Political activity : Refuge and Realit : Feuchtwanger and the European Émigrés in California  2005 1
Authors, German -- Political and social views   15
Authors, German -- Psychology : Aberrations of mourning / Laurence A. Rickels  2011 1
Authors, German -- Religious life : Literatur und Theologie im 18. Jahrhundert : Konfrontationen - Kontroversen - Konkurrenzen  2011 1
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