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Subjects (1-6 of 6)

-- See Also Authority


-- See Also the narrower term Despotism

Here are entered works on rule by a monarch with absolute, unlimited power. Works on government by a non-monarchical ruler with absolute, unlimited power are entered under Dictatorship

-- See Also the narrower term Dictatorship

Here are entered works on government by a non-monarchical ruler with absolute, unlimited power. Works on rule by a monarch with absolute, unlimited power are entered under Despotism

-- See Also the narrower term Fascism

Here are entered general works on fascism including works on post-World War II fascist movements. Works on German fascism during the Nazi regime are entered under National socialism

-- See Also the narrower term National socialism

Here are entered works on German fascism during the Nazi regime. This heading may be geographically subdivided by Germany only when further subdivided by a locality within Germany, e.g. National socialism--Germany--Berlin. It may be geographically subdivided by countries allied with or occupied by Germany for works on national socialism in those countries. General works on fascism, including works on post-World War II fascist movements, are entered under Fascism

-- See Also the narrower term Totalitarianism

Here are entered works discussing (in theory and in its various manifestations) a highly centralized government under the control of a political group permitting no rival loyalties or parties
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