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Book Cover
Author Spears, Monroe K., 1916-1998, editor

Title Auden : a collection of critical essays / edited by Monroe K. Spears
Published Englewood Cliffs, N.J. : Prentice-Hall, [1964]


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Description 184 pages ; 20 cm
Series Twentieth century views
Twentieth century views.
Contents Introduction / Monroe K. Spears -- Some notes on Auden's early poetry / Chrisopher Isherwood -- Auden's imagery / Cleanth Brooks -- W.H. Auden and his poetry / Stephen Spender -- W.H. Auden / Marianne Moore -- W.H. Auden in America / Edmund Wilson -- W.H. Auden / John Bayley -- The career of W.H. Auden / G.S. Fraser -- Introduction to Auden's poetry / Richard Hoggart -- The poetry of W.H. Auden / Carlo Izzo -- The sea and the mirror / Frederick P.W. McDowell -- Auden's new year letter : a new style of architecture / Edward Callan -- For the time being / Monroe K. Spears -- Auden's sacred awe / Richard M. Ohmann
Summary A collection of critical essays analyzing the poetry of Auden
Analysis Auden, W. H (Wystan Hugh) 1907-1973 Criticism and interpretation
Auden, W.H (Wystan Hugh) 1907-1973 Criticism and interpretation
Notes "A Spectrum book."
Bibliography Bibliography: pages 183-184
Notes Also issued online
Subject Auden, W. H. (Wystan Hugh), 1907-1973.
Auden, W. H. (Wystan Hugh), 1907-1973 -- Criticism and interpretation.
Author Spears, Monroe K., 1916-1998.
LC no. 64019682
ISBN 9080044253