Arts, Italian -- Exhibitions. : The Futurist imagination : wordâ‚Šimage in Italian futurist painting, drawing, collage, and free-word poetry : Yale University Art Gallery, New Haven, Connecticut, April 13-June 26th, 1983 / exhibition organized and catalogue edited by Anne Coffin Hanson
Arts, Italian -- History and criticism : Green worlds in early modern Italy : art and the verdant earth / edited by Karen Hope Goodchild, April Oettinger and Leopoldine Prosperetti
Arts, Italian -- Italy -- Rome. : The culture of the high renaissance : ancients and moderns in sixteenth-century Rome / Ingrid D. Rowland
Arts -- Italy -- History -- 18th century : Britain and Italy in the long eighteenth century : literary and art theories / edited by Rosamaria Loretelli and Frank O'Gorman
Arts -- Italy -- History -- To 1500 : Renaissance politics and culture : essays in honour of Robert Black / edited by Jonathan Davies and John Monfasani
Arts, Japanese -- 19th century : Performing "nation" : gender politics in literature, theater, and the visual arts of China and Japan, 1880-1940 / edited by Doris Croissant, Catherine Vance Yeh, Joshua S. Mostow
Arts, Japanese -- Foreign countries : Soft power superpowers : cultural and national assets of Japan and the United States / Watanabe Yasushi and David L. McConnell, editors ; with a foreword by Joseph S. Nye, Jr