Art and society -- Russia : New narratives of Russian and East European art : between traditions and revolutions / edited by Galina Mardilovich and Maria Taroutina
Art and society -- Scandinavia -- History : Tracing their tracks : identification of Nordic styles from the early Middle Ages to the end of the Viking period / by Peter Hupfauf
Art and society -- Southern States -- History -- 19th century -- Exhibitions : Central to their lives : Southern women artists in the Johnson Collection / edited by Lynne Blackman ; foreword by Sylvia Yount ; essays by Martha R. Severens, Deborah C. Pollack, Evie Terrono, Karen Towers Klacsmann, Erin R. Corrales-Diaz, and Daniel Belasco
Art and society -- Southern States -- History -- 20th century -- Exhibitions : Central to their lives : Southern women artists in the Johnson Collection / edited by Lynne Blackman ; foreword by Sylvia Yount ; essays by Martha R. Severens, Deborah C. Pollack, Evie Terrono, Karen Towers Klacsmann, Erin R. Corrales-Diaz, and Daniel Belasco
Art and society -- Texas -- Fulton -- History -- 20th century : The story of the Rockport-Fulton art colony : how a coastal Texas town became an art enclave / Kay Kronke Betz, Vickie Moon Merchant ; foreword by William E. Reaves and Linda J. Reaves ; foreword by Robert E. Harrist Jr
Art and society -- Texas -- Rockport -- History -- 20th century : The story of the Rockport-Fulton art colony : how a coastal Texas town became an art enclave / Kay Kronke Betz, Vickie Moon Merchant ; foreword by William E. Reaves and Linda J. Reaves ; foreword by Robert E. Harrist Jr
Art and society -- Thailand : Monastery, monument, museum : sites and artifacts of Thai cultural memory / Maurizio Peleggi
Art and society -- United States -- Exhibitions. : Power : its myths and mores in American art, 1961-1991 / Holliday T. Day ; with essays by Brian Wallis, Anna C. Chave, and George E. Marcus ; artists' profiles by Catsou Roberts ; and a photographic essay by Christopher Scoates and Debra Wilbur