Here are entered general works on the visual arts. Works on the arts in general, including the visual arts, literature, and the performing arts, are entered under Arts --subdivision Art under names of individual persons who lived before 1400, and under names of deities, mythological or legendary figures, and fictitious characters, for collections of art depicting the person, deity, or character, and under headings of the type [topic]--[subdivision], e.g. Mary, Blessed Virgin, Saint--Art; Zephyrus (Greek deity)--Art; Holy Cross--Legends--Art; also subdivision In art under names of countries, cities, etc., and individual corporate bodies, under individual Christian denominations, and under uniform titles for their representation as physical objects, e.g. Bible--In art; and headings of the type [topic] in art, e.g. Christian saints in art
Art -- Oceana -- Exhibitions : APT7, the 7th Asia Pacific Triennial of Contemporary Art / Queensland Art Gallery, Gallery of Modern Art
Art -- Oceania -- Encylopedias : The Continuum encyclopedia of native art : worldview, symbolism, and culture in Africa, Oceania, and North America / Hope B. Werness ; line drawings by Joanne H. Benedict, Tiffany Ramsay-Lozano, and Hope B. Werness ; maps by Scott Thomas
Art -- Oceania -- History. : Double vision : art histories and colonial histories in the Pacific / edited by Nicholas Thomas and Diane Losche, assistant editor Jennifer Newell
Art, Oceanian -- 20th century -- Congresses : Present encounters : papers from the conference of the second Asia-Pacific Triennial of Contemporary Art, 1996 / edited by Caroline Turner & Rhana Devenport
Art of Living. : Christian Norberg-Schulz's Interpretation of Heidegger's Philosophy : Care, Place and Architecture
Art of poetry. : Selected writings of Han Yongun : from social Darwinism to socialism with a Buddhist face / [translated by] Vladimir Tikhonov & Owen Miller
Art of racing in the rain Stein, Garth : Novels for students. Volume 55 : presenting analysis, context, and criticism on commonly studied novels / Kristin B. Mallegg, project editor ; foreword by Anne Devereaux Jordan
--headings for art of the individual nationalities of the Soviet Union, e.g. Art, Russian; Art, Ukrainian
Art of This Century (Gallery) / : Frederick Kiesler : lost in history : Art of This Century and the modern art gallery / by Shirley Haines-Cooke
Art on television -- 20th century. : State of the art : ideas and images in the 1980s / an Illuminations production for Channel Four Television, London, and WDR, Cologne
Art on the Move -- Exhibitions : Prelude : early works by Elizabeth Durack, 1947-1950 : [travelling exhibition] / [coordinator, Perpetua Durack]
Art, Ottoman -- 17th century : The album of the world emperor : cross-cultural collecting and the art of album-making in seventeenth-century Istanbul / Emine Fetvaci
Art ottoman -- 19e siècle. : Intimate outsiders : the harem in Ottoman and Orientalist art and travel literature / Mary Roberts
Art, Ottoman -- Exhibitions. : The Age of Sultan Suleyman the Magnificent / organised by the International Cultural Corporations of Australia Limited ; in association with Ministry of Culture, Republic of Turkey
Art, Ottoman -- History : Ordering imperial worlds : from late medieval Spain to the modern Middle East / edited by Susan Slyomovics