arms production Europe ammunition : Surveying Europe's production and procurement of small arms and light weapons ammunition the cases of Italy, France, and the Russian Federation / edited by Benjamin King
Here are entered works on the competitive buildup and improvement of the military power of two or more nations or blocs, particularly as regards weapons
Arms race -- Argentina -- Congresses : Averting a Latin American nuclear arms race : new prospects and challenges for Argentine-Brazil nuclear co-operation / edited by Paul L. Leventhal, Sharon Tanzer
Arms race -- Brazil -- Congresses : Averting a Latin American nuclear arms race : new prospects and challenges for Argentine-Brazil nuclear co-operation / edited by Paul L. Leventhal, Sharon Tanzer
Arms race -- Commerce : Ferranti. A history : Volume 3: Management, mergers and fraud 1987-1993
Arms race -- Congresses. : Perspectives on the arms race / edited by David Carlton and Carlo Schaerf
Arms race -- History : A global history of the nuclear arms race : weapons, strategy, and politics / by Richard Dean Burns and Joseph M. Siracusa
Arms race -- History -- 19th century : Arms races in international politics : from the nineteenth to the twenty-first century / edited by Thomas Mahnken, Joseph Maiolo, and David Stevenson
Arms race -- Prevention : Avoiding a post-INF missile race : brief for "US-Russia Dialogue on Nuclear Issues: Does Arms Control Have a Future?", CNS-CENESS meeting in Moscow, November 7, 2019 / Dr. Nikolai Sokov
Arms race -- Social aspects -- Congresses. : End the arms race : fund human needs : proceedings of the 1986 Vancouver Centennial Peace and Disarmament Symposium / edited by, Thomas L. Perry and James G. Foulks
arms supply. : Defence procurement in the European Union : the current debate / report of an EUISS task force ; Chairman and rapporteur: Burkard Schmitt